Private Lessons
Several of Surge Volleyball’s coaching staff are available to do private lessons. If you would like to schedule a private lesson, a small group training or team clinic, please provide the following information by email to [email protected] or filling out our Private Lesson Form below. Lessons are held at Surge Gym in Fleetwood.
- Name and age of athlete(s)
- Area of instruction/skill to focus on
- Days and times available for sessions
- Parent contact information (Name, Email, Phone, City)
- Affiliation, if any (AAU, USA, JVA)
- Training areas of focus
- How many sessions a week
- How many weeks
Scheduling is based on both coach availability as well as the availability of gym space.
Club Director lessons are available but at a higher rate of +$25 per person per lesson hour.
Cost Breakdown Surge Players:
1 player = $60/session per player
2 players = $55/session per player
3 players = $50/session per player
4+ players = $45/session per player
Cost Breakdown Non-Surge Players:
1 player = $90/session per player
2 players = $85/session per player
3 players = $80/session per player
4+ players = $75/session per player
Private lessons and small group sessions are a way for players to work on the skills of their choice. Each session will require the player to share where they would like their focus to be. Coaches will put together a skills session focused around these skills guaranteeing high reps for each skill.
Session signups scheduled for “2,3, and 4+ weeks” or “until cancelled” require attendance or communication of lack of attendance at least 24 hours before the session. Players who miss sessions without notice will be given a warning for the first offense. A player will be charged for a missed session for the second offense and we will drop the player from the session time. Players who are dropped from session times will be replaced with others on a waitlist for that time and a new request will need to be submitted for a new time.
We do not guarantee session times and may have to cancel scheduled sessions with little to no notice due to other circumstances. Surge will notify players as soon as possible if this is the case.
Please contact us at [email protected] with questions.